The Kellogg Alumni Club of Boston was busy during fall 2018

The Kellogg Alumni Club of Boston was busy during fall 2018


The Kellogg Alumni Club of Austria partnered with best mexican dating site the local alumni club of Chicago Booth in January to host the largest meetup of MBA graduates from either university in Austria to date. This unlikely partnership strengthened the connection of the local MBA alumni community, and great stories about Chicago created an instant bond among the alumni.


Highlights included a workshop with Director of Alumni Career and Professional Development Matthew Temple, Professor Tim Calkins’ book tour, a Kellogg Cares event and a women’s networking event.

In September, Matthew Temple held the workshop, “Designing Your Life” at Bain and Company for more than 30 alumni. In November, the club hosted Professor Tim Calkins, who shared his expertise on presentation skills and their role in effective and persuasive business leadership. Continuar leyendo “The Kellogg Alumni Club of Boston was busy during fall 2018”