Vinny Gambini: [ Vinny and Lisa receive their breakfast orders, Vinny looks at his skeptically ] What’s this over here?

Vinny Gambini: [ Vinny and Lisa receive their breakfast orders, Vinny looks at his skeptically ] What’s this over here?

I love this!

Vinny Gambini: [ Trotter asks Vinny how he became a lawyer ] Well, I got a bullshit traffic ticket. I went to court, I got the cop on the stand, and I argued with him until he admitted he was wrong. And the judge, this Judge Malloy. All the while he’s laughing and smiling. And then afterwards, he asks me to go to lunch with him. Then he says to me, “you know what? You’d be a good litigator.” I didn’t know what the hell he was talking about, I don’t know what a litigator is. I never thought of becoming a lawyer. But this Judge Malloy, who’s from Brooklyn, too? He did it, so all of a sudden, it seemed possible. So I went to law school.

Bill: Right. Well, he did his act, and every time he made something disappear, Vinny jumped on him. I mean, he nailed him! It was like, “it’s in his pocket”, or “he’s palming it”, you know? Or, “there’s a mirror under the table.” I mean, he was like, he was like, “wait a second, wait a second, it’s joined in the middle, and there’s a spring around it, it pops it open when it’s inside the tube.” It was like Alakazam’s worst nightmare. Vinny was just being Vinny. He was just being the quintessential Gambini.

Mona Lisa Vito: You know, this could be a sign of things to come. You win all your cases, but with somebody else’s help, right? You win case after case, and then afterwards you have to go up to somebody and you have to say, “Thank you.”

Stan: Damn it, Vinnie! Maybe if you’d put up some kind of a fight, you could have gotten the case thrown out!

There is no way this is not going to trial!

Judge Chamberlain Haller: Mr. Gambini, the next words out of cose kik your mouth better be “guilty” or “not guilty.” I don’t want to hear commentary, argument, or opinion. I don’t want to hear any facts or evidence. If I hear anything other than “guilty” or “not guilty”, you’ll be in contempt. Continuar leyendo “Vinny Gambini: [ Vinny and Lisa receive their breakfast orders, Vinny looks at his skeptically ] What’s this over here?”