Meaning of Bench in Law

“The Bank”. Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Retrieved 30 September 2022. The historical origin of the term comes from the benches on which judges sat in the courtroom when they presided over trials. Barandbank has several meanings in the context in which it is used. In court, the bar association is the common term for lawyers who have been admitted to practice the courts. Whereas the bank is a judge or panel of judges sitting in the courtroom. The bench is used to designate a group of judges as a collective whole. It is a court or a place where justice is administered. To appear before the plenary is to appear before all the judges of the Tribunal.

n. 1) A general term for all judges, as in “the bench”, or for the respective judge or panel, as in an order issued by the “judge`s bench”. (2) the large office, usually long and wide, above the level of the rest of the courtroom where the judge or group of judges sits. The importance of the lawyer in law is an association or group of lawyers authorized by the Council of the State Bar to practice before the courts. The word “bank” has several meanings, first, the bank means a place in the courtroom where the judges sit. The historical roots of the term come from judges who used to sit on long seats or benches (self-contained or against a wall) when presiding over a court. [2] The bench is usually a raised desk that allows a judge to see the entire courtroom. The judiciary was a typical feature of the courts of the Order of St. John in Malta, such as Castellania, where judges and the College of Appointed Lawyers sat for judicial proceedings and revision laws.

[4] The term “bank” used in the legal context can have several meanings. First, it can simply indicate the location of a judge in a courtroom. Second, the term bank is a metonymy used to collectively describe members of the judiciary,[1] or judges of a particular court, such as the Queen`s Bench or Common Bench in England and Wales, or the Bundesbank in the United States. [2] Third, the term is used to distinguish judges called “the bank” from lawyers or lawyers called “the Bar Association.” The term “bank and cash” refers to all judges and lawyers. [2] The term “full panel” is used when all the judges of a given court sit together to decide a case, as in the expression “before the plenary”, also known as “in the bench”. [3] The term “bench” refers to the seat where the judge sits in the courtroom, and the term is used to refer to the judge. It can be used to describe all the judges of a particular court, such as the second district bench or “plenary bench,” which refers to all the judges of a court. It can also refer to judges in general, as in “bank and bar”, a collective term for judges and lawyers. (You can find the bank in the World Legal Encyclopedia and the estimology of more terms). Description/translation of the Chamber into Spanish: tribunal, órgano jurisdiccional colegiado; Court; judicial proceedings = juicio por un tribunal (de jueces profesionales, sin jurado); Bench warrant (= bench summons)= orden de detención (orden que da el juez o tribunal a la fuerza pública para que lleve ante él manu militari a una persona (sospechoso o testigo) que no atendió el llamamiento a comparecer (summons) (fr: mandat d`amener); Judicial Conference: Deliberaciones del Tribunal[1] Let us therefore briefly understand the meaning of bar and bank; 2. A group of judges or judges sitting together in a court or all judges together. Thus, a lawyer appointed as a judge would have been promoted to the bench.

Therefore, the court has two parts, bar and bank, and the term bank and bar refers collectively to judges and lawyers. The structure, both the seat and the office, on and on which a judge sits. Through the usual rhetorical device of metonymy, he represents the judges themselves and in particular the judicial power of the government, as in “Banking and Bar”. Black`s Law Dictionary also gives a different meaning to the term “bar” than all lawyers who have registered their names with the State Bar Council and are licensed to practice in court. 1. Literally the seat of a judge in court. The bench is usually placed in an elevated position on one side of the courtroom, opposite the lawyers` and lawyers` seats. The Bank differs from the Bar Association in that it takes into account all members of the legal profession. Thus, the courtroom consists of two parts, one for the judges, that is, the bench and the other for the lawyers, that is, the money.

Old English benc “long siege”, from Proto-Germanic *bankon “earth bank”, perhaps here “artificial earthworks”, later “bench, table” (also source of Old Frisian bank “bank”, Old Norse bekkr, Danish bænk, Middle Dutch bench, Old High German banch), from the root PIE *bheg- “to break”. Used since the end of the 13th century for the “office of judge”. The sporting meaning “reserve of players” (in baseball, North American soccer, etc.) dates from 1909, literally meaning where players sit when they are not in action (from 1889). The second meaning of “bench” is used to describe members of the judiciary. Originally, the term bar was propagated in England and the term bar is used for the purpose of separating lawyers and court clerks. Definition of the judge`s bench, published by the National Association for Court Management: The judge`s seat. In a broader sense, the court itself. The court therefore has two parts in which cases are conducted, namely; This legal term article is a heel. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.

, En Banc, In Banc, Fiction, Justice, Queen`s Bench. In addition, the American Encyclopedia explains that the bar is a courtroom where a space is reserved for lawyers who have practiced in the courts. In general, the bar is the premises in the area of the court where the lawyers sit. Black`s Law Dictionary also defines the term “bar” and separates the areas before where the judge, court officials, lawyers, parties, and witnesses can conduct court business. And from the back area, the room is available for relatives of the parties or observers of the case. You can find more English-Spanish translations in the Pocket Spanish English Legal Dictionary (print and online), English-Spanish-English dictionaries (such as Bench) and the Word reference legal translator. A judicial forum composed of the judge(s) of a court. The seat of the court occupied by the judges.

The definition of magistrate in United States law, as defined by lexicographer Arthur Leff in his legal dictionary, is as follows: BANK. Latin bancus, used for court. In England, there are two courts to which this word is applied. Bancus regius, King`s Bench Bancus communis, Common Bench or Pleas. The ius banci, says Spelman, actually belongs to the king`s judges, who rule in the last instance. The judges of the lower courts, as well as the barons, are considered plano pede judges and are those as they are called in the pedanei judices civils or by the Greeks Xauaidixastai, that is, humi judicantes. The Greeks called the seats of their superior judges Bumata and their lower judges Bathra. The Romans used the word sellae et tribunalia to designate the seats of their superior judges, and subsellia to designate those of the lower judges.